Tuesday, March 3, 2009

GMail Adds Helpful Multiple File Uploader!

I'm very happy about this... the GMail team has added a feature that shows you the upload progress of files you are adding as attachments AND enabled multiple select of files from within the open file dialog box! Check out the blog entry for more information.


Who? said...

Here's mu dumb question of the day: does one have to add this gadget to the gmail or is it standard with using gmail.

SD said...

Good feature! This will help in uploading big multiple files. The gmail user will be in relax mode with the status (progress bar) of the files while they are being uploaded one by one. And the cancel button also provided to discard any file during this process.

trekerboy said...

@Wil, this feature comes standard, no gadget needed, however, the GMail team doesn't usually deploy features like this to all it's servers at once, so the server you use to access GMail might not have this feature uploaded yet.

Unknown said...

It now takes me 15 mins to upload a single picture. What gives here? I tried to upoad 4 pics at the same time at it keep timing out after about 45 mins.

trekerboy said...

@Maryanne Hum... that isn't supposed to happen. Sounds like a network connection issue.