Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Article Featured in the SI Magazine

A while ago I wrote an article about my summer internship with Belkin International in the Netherlands for the SI Magazine. I just got a PDF copy of it the other day so I thought I'd put it up for anyone who wants to read it.

Before I knew it I was put in charge of the management, development, and production of Belkin marketing for more than ten countries. I found myself on conference calls with Belkin sales representatives from Sweden who needed specific materials for vendors for their regions, tracking down a hiccup in the production of Turkish packaging, and designing “out of the box” experience surveys, all within the first week. Needless to day, I was a little overwhelmed, especially after working more than 70 hours that first week, but definitely up for the challenge.

You can read the entire article from the link on my project management page.

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